Frederick Lewis Allen (Author)
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CONTENTS: I. PRELUDE: SEPTEMBER 3, 1929 1 & 2. A Very Hot Day 3. What the Headlines Said 4. The Crest of the Wave 5. "A Friend of Mr. Jones's" 6. A Few People, 1929 II. EXIT PROSPERITY 1. Panic! 2. Afterglow, 1930 3. Bathtub Gin and the Crime Wave 4. Miniature Golf and Free Wheeling 5. Hoover in Trouble 6. What Did It Mean?III. DOWN, DOWN, DOWN 1. In June, 19312. The Hoover Moratorium 3. A Dole for Corporations 4. Oh, Yeah? 5. Black Depression 6. The Lindbergh Kidnap Case 7. "Every Man Is Afraid" IV. A CHANGE OF GOVERNMENT 1. Roosevelt Nominated 2. The Battle of Washington 3. Rebellion and Ferment 4. Technocracy 5. Poor Hoover! 6. The Banks Give Way 7. Curtain V. NEW DEAL HONEYMOON 1. The New President Speaks 2. Off with a Rush 3. All Roads Lead to Washington 4. Extraordinary Session 5. New--And Multiple--Deal 6. Happy Days Are Here Again VI. A CHANGE OF CLIMATE 1. Marriage and Morals 2. Fashion Parade 3. Repeal and Drinking 4. Play, Sports, Gambling 5. How the Churches Fared 6. The Social Salvationists 7. "We Don't Know" VII. REFORM--AND RECOVERY? 1. The Honeymoon Ends 2. Reforms, Dionnes, and Uproar 3. Relief 4. Dillinger, G-Men, and Dewey 5. Huey Long and Others 6. The Court Says No VIII. WHEN THE FARMS BLEW AWAY 1. Black Blizzards 2. Land of Promise? 3. The Tractors Go Rolling Along 4. Floods--and Dams 5. Mature America IX. THE VOICE WITH THE SMILE WINS 1. The Changed World of 1936 2. The Pump Works--Up to a Point 3. Streamlined Trains and Trailers 4. They Hated Roosevelt 5. Landon, "The Kansas Coolidge" 6. The Voice with the Smile Wins 7. Ex-Rex X. WITH PEN AND CAMERA THROUGH DARKEST AMERICA 1. Cocktail Party, 1935 2. "Tobacco Road" and Best Sellers 3. Social Salvationists Writing 4. The Communists 5. Candid Camera 6. Benny Goodman and Bach 7. You Can't Say That 8. Hollywood Heaven XI. FRICTION AND RECESSION 1. Rainy Inaugural 2. The CIO Sits Down 3. Taylor, Lewis, Girdler 4. The Supreme Court Battle 5. 1937 Montage 6. The Recession 7. Was the New Deal Played Out? XII. THE SHADOW OF WAR 1. "We Take You Now to Prague" 2. Isolation or Intervention? 3. Martians--and Germans--Advance 4. The World of Tomorrow? 5. A Royal Visit and a Summer Lull 6. An Era Ends ILLUSTRATIONS: Ticker Tape for Bobby Jones |indbergh Kidnapping Poster Bonus Marchers on the Capitol Steps The Old Order Changeth He Captured the Headlines The Big Apple J. P. Morgan at the Witness Table Black Blizzard Coming Roosevelt Rides in Triumph Benny Goodman in Action The Hindenburg Bursts into Flame The South Chicago "Riot," 1937 "Peace" After Munich, 1938 Entente Cordiale, June, 1939CONTENTS: I. PRELUDE: SEPTEMBER 3, 1929 1 & 2. A Very Hot Day 3. What the Headlines Said 4. The Crest of the Wave 5. "A Friend of Mr. Jones's" 6. A Few People, 1929 II. EXIT PROSPERITY 1. Panic! 2. Afterglow, 1930 3. Bathtub Gin and the Crime Wave 4. Miniature Golf and Free Wheeling 5. Hoover in Trouble 6. What Did It Mean?III. DOWN, DOWN, DOWN 1. In June, 19312. The Hoover Moratorium 3. A Dole for Corporations 4. Oh, Yeah? 5. Black Depression 6. The Lindbergh Kidnap Case 7. "Every Man Is Afraid" IV. A CHANGE OF GOVERNMENT 1. Roosevelt Nominated 2. The Battle of Washington 3. Rebellion and Ferment 4. Technocracy 5. Poor Hoover! 6. The Banks Give Way 7. Curtain V. NEW DEAL HONEYMOON 1. The New President Speaks 2. Off with a Rush 3. All Roads Lead to Washington 4. Extraordinary Session 5. New--And Multiple--Deal 6. Happy Days Are Here Again VI. A CHANGE OF CLIMATE 1. Marriage and Morals 2. Fashion Parade 3. Repeal and Drinking 4. Play, Sports, Gambling 5. How the Churches Fared 6. The Social Salvationists 7. "We Don't Know" VII. REFORM--AND RECOVERY? 1. The Honeymoon Ends 2. Reforms, Dionnes, and Uproar 3. Relief 4. Dillinger, G-Men, and Dewey 5. Huey Long and Others 6. The Court Says No VIII. WHEN THE FARMS BLEW AWAY 1. Black Blizzards 2. Land of Promise? 3. The Tractors Go Rolling Along 4. Floods--and Dams 5. Mature America IX. THE VOICE WITH THE SMILE WINS 1. The Changed World of 1936 2. The Pump Works--Up to a Point 3. Streamlined Trains and Trailers 4. They Hated Roosevelt 5. Landon, "The Kansas Coolidge" 6. The Voice with the Smile Wins 7. Ex-Rex X. WITH PEN AND CAMERA THROUGH DARKEST AMERICA 1. Cocktail Party, 1935 2. "Tobacco Road" and Best Sellers 3. Social Salvationists Writing 4. The Communists 5. Candid Camera 6. Benny Goodman and Bach 7. You Can't Say That 8. Hollywood Heaven XI. FRICTION AND RECESSION 1. Rainy Inaugural 2. The CIO Sits Down 3. Taylor, Lewis, Girdler 4. The Supreme Court Battle 5. 1937 Montage 6. The Recession 7. Was the New Deal Played Out? XII. THE SHADOW OF WAR 1. "We Take You Now to Prague" 2. Isolation or Intervention? 3. Martians--and Germans--Advance 4. The World of Tomorrow? 5. A Royal Visit and a Summer Lull 6. An Era Ends ILLUSTRATIONS: Ticker Tape for Bobby Jones |indbergh Kidnapping Poster Bonus Marchers on the Capitol Steps The Old Order Changeth He Captured the Headlines The Big Apple J. P. Morgan at the Witness Table Black Blizzard Coming Roosevelt Rides in Triumph Benny Goodman in Action The Hindenburg Bursts into Flame The South Chicago "Riot," 1937 "Peace" After Munich, 1938 Entente Cordiale, June, 1939 Read more